Towards the Clinical Implementation of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation for Alleviating Social Communication Challenges: Input From Two Critical Stakeholder Groups
noninvasive brain stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, social communication, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), speech language pathologyAbstract
Introduction. Using noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) during social communication therapy significantly improves performance when compared to providing therapy alone. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have expertise and training in providing social communication therapy for individuals with social communication challenges, such as autistic individuals. Methods. Two studies were completed to gain input from stakeholders who will influence NIBS’s path forward for clinical use in treating social communication challenges. Study 1 examined surveys from SLPs on the clinical implementation of NIBS. Study 2 examined surveys from autistic adults about their own personal experiences after completing a research study using NIBS. Results. The top concerns of SLPs for the clinical implementation of NIBS were focused on the availability of safety and efficacy research, access to training, and the cost of using NIBS. Autistic adults who had previously participated in a research study using NIBS reported no safety concerns but did report a desire to use NIBS again, especially if they could access it remotely through video supervision with a trained professional. Conclusions. The findings of these studies inform the future clinical implementation of NIBS for improving social communication therapy with individuals with social challenges, such as autistic individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Joan Esse Wilson, M. Blake Rafferty, Guadalupe Duran, Alexandra Ortiz, Claudia D. Tesche

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