Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise on Cortical Hemodynamic Changes in Response to Recognition Memory and Visuospatial Tasks


  • Prachi Khandekar Sathe MYAS-GNDU Department of Sport Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
  • Shweta Shenoy MYAS-GNDU Department of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar,Punjab
  • Abhinav Sathe MYAS-GNDU Department of Sport Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India




Recognition memory, visuospatial functions, cortical hemodynamics, prefrontal cortex


We investigated the acute effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) on cortical hemodynamic changes and sex differences during recognition memory and visuospatial tasks. Forty-six healthy adults (18–30 years) were randomly assigned to HIIE (n = 23, including 11 males and 12 females) or control groups (n = 23, including 10 males and 13 females). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy measured prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation during Warrington's word and facial Recognition Memory Test (RMT), and Shipley-2 test before and after the intervention. HIIE resulted in improved word recognition memory scores, but no significant changes in face recognition or visuospatial scores. PFC activation during tasks did not significantly differ following HIIE. Sex differences were observed, with males showing greater word recognition memory scores and associated hemodynamics compared to females, but no sex differences in face recognition or visuospatial tasks in response to HIIE. In summary, HIIE improved word recognition memory without affecting PFC activation. Moreover, sex differences in PFC activation during word recognition tasks were evident following HIIE. These findings contribute to our understanding of the acute effects of HIIE on cognitive performance and highlight the potential influence of sex on cortical hemodynamics during word recognition memory tasks.

Author Biographies

Prachi Khandekar Sathe, MYAS-GNDU Department of Sport Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India


Abhinav Sathe, MYAS-GNDU Department of Sport Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India



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