Neurofeedback Beta Down Training in Women With High State-Trait Anxiety and Elevated Beta Patterns in Temporal Lobes: A Pilot Study


  • Juan Pablo Aristizabal Colombian
  • Antonio Pereira Jr
  • Bruno Duarte Gomes
  • Paulo Roney Kilpp Goulart
  • Wânia Cristina de Souza
  • Fernando A. Rocha



Neurofeedback, State-Trait Anxiety, Temporal lobes, Electroencephalogram (EEG)


This study intends to evaluate the effect of neurofeedback beta downtraining in the treatment of anxiety as a personality trait, measured in the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and to estimate the changes in the beta and high-beta rhythms in the left (T3) and right (T4) temporal lobes. An intrasubject analysis was carried out with six right-handed female university students who were submitted to a control and experimental condition (five neurofeedback seasons). In the results, it was observed that no significant changes were presented in the control stage. In turn, a significant reduction in the scores of the inventory was found in the experimental stage. On the other hand, even though in the experimental stage there was a decrease in the relative power of the beta and high-beta frequency bands, this was statistically significant in the beta band in T3 and T4 and in the high-beta band in T3. In conclusion, according to the results, neurofeedback had a significant effect on both reducing anxiety as a state and a personality trait, as well as reducing beta and high-beta patterns in the temporal lobes. The need for more studies with greater methodological rigor that can reassert or refute these results is noted.


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