Exploring Effect of Chamber Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy on Salivary Cortisol and Information Overload in Young Adults
Restricted environmental stimulation therapy, cortisol, information overload, self-reflection, young adultsAbstract
Environmental challenges like noise, light exposure, and information overload impact young adults' overall health, reducing time for self-care. Restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST), specifically chamber REST, offers a cost-effective intervention for stress management. In our study, 49 participants in chamber REST
(N = 35) and a control group (N = 14) were compared. Measures, including cortisol, information overload, anxiety, stress, rumination, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, were assessed before and after treatment, and selected at 1 week follow-up. Results showed no cortisol concentration differences, but at the 1 week follow-up, the chamber REST group reported significantly lower information overload, t(45) = −3.04, p = .004, η2 = .17 and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, t(46) = −2.1, p = .042, than the control group. Correlational analysis revealed a calming effect in the chamber REST (r = .421, p = 0.015) but not in the control condition (r = −.096, p = 0.744). In conclusion, chamber REST seems to foster adaptive self-reflection, aiding coping, and resilience against information overload and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in young adults, suggesting its potential as an effective preventative intervention.
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