Evidence-Based Interventions for Improved Psychosocial Outcomes in Harmful Alcohol Use: A Scoping Review
EEG Neurofeedback, Psychosocial outcome, Quality of Life, Harmful Alcohol use, psychosocial interventionAbstract
Background. Harmful alcohol use is defined as a drinking pattern that lasts at least one month or has occurred often during the preceding 12 months and that negatively impacts multiple facets of life. It has a high recurrence rate and a poor prognosis, despite the availability of cognitive-behavioral and psychosocial therapy. Emerging neuromodulation techniques for treating harmful alcohol use are gaining traction in the field of psychotherapy, but knowing their efficacy in terms of psychosocial outcomes necessitates an adjuvant approach. This scoping review aims to investigate the existing evidence on the effectiveness of various psychosocial interventions that improve quality of life (QoL) dimensions in conjunction with neurotherapies for individuals with harmful alcohol use. Methods. The review utilized a five-stage technique to search for research papers from 2000 to 2022. After screening and reviewing 41 full-text papers, 29 were found to meet the inclusion criteria. Conclusion. The articles highlighted the advantages of integrated therapeutic interventions such as motivation enhancement therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, neurotherapy, multimodal therapy, supportive therapy, and 12-step facilitation programs. However, limited studies have explored the effectiveness of combining neurotherapy with psychosocial interventions. Implications. Future research should focus on the efficacy of combining neurofeedback with psychosocial therapies to improve QoL for individuals with harmful alcohol use.
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