The Age-Specific Impact of Alpha-Wave Binaural Acoustic Stimulation on Motor-Learning Aptitude
Motor learning, Alpha binaural acoustic beats, EEG power, Mirror tracing taskAbstract
There are some reports on the impact of binaural acoustic beat (BAB) training on motor learning. The current study aimed to explain the possible influences of alpha BAB on motor learning in young and older adult individuals. To this end, 26 male participants were assigned to four parallel groups: two alpha BAB groups (young, older adults) and two control groups (young, older adults). The alpha BAB groups received alpha BAB for 30 min, whereas examinees in the control groups just wore headphones without listening to any music over the experiment period. The digital mirror-tracing task was employed to examine the subjects’ motor performance simultaneously with quantitative electroencephalography and after the intervention. In the mirror-tracing task, a significant decrease in the number of errors was found only for the older adults who received alpha BAB. Meanwhile, the reaction time decreased significantly in the young Alpha BAB group. Alpha BAB was associated with a notable increase in alpha current source density dynamics in the young subjects and enhanced beta, high beta oscillations, and gamma power in the older adults. Our findings suggest that alpha BAB might improve motor performance in older adults and young individuals through different patterns.
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