Implementation Science Application to EEG Neurofeedback Research: A Call to Action
implementation science, neurofeedback, systematic reviewAbstract
This article is a call to action for implementation research in the field of electroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback. While the effectiveness of neurofeedback in improving clinical outcomes has been well established and is continuing to expand into a variety of symptom presentations and mechanisms of action, there is lack of research bridging the gap between the research setting and neurofeedback’s implementation in mental health clinics. Our review of the published research to date revealed no articles incorporating the burgeoning utility of implementation science into neurofeedback research to bridge the gap and provide practical information about how to use neurofeedback in real-world settings. Research is urgently needed to explore the feasibility and process of implementing neurofeedback in the clinical setting, without which the applicability and usefulness of outcome studies are called into question.
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