Proceedings of the 2019 ISNR Annual Conference
Neurofeedback, QEEG, neuromodulation, neurotherapy, ISNRAbstract
Selected Abstracts of Conference Presentations at the 2019 International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) 27th Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA
---Understanding (and Improving) Neurofeedback Efficacy: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor
Davelaar, E. J. (2017). Testing the specificity of EEG neurofeedback training on first- and second-order measures of attention. In D. Schmorrow & C. Fidopiastis (Eds.), AC 2017: Augmented Cognition. Neurocognition and Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 10284, pp. 19–27). Switzerland: Springer.
Davelaar, E. J. (2018). Mechanisms of neurofeedback: A computation-theoretic approach. Neuroscience, 378, 175–188.
Davelaar, E. J., Barnby, J. M., Almasi, S., & Eatough, V. (2018). Differential subjective experiences in learners and non-learners in frontal alpha neurofeedback: piloting a mixed-method approach. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 402.
---Epilepsy and the Foundation of NF
Boutros, N. (2009). Epileptiform discharges in psychiatric patients: A controversy in need of resurrection. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 40(4), 239–244.
Boutros, N. N., Kirollos, S. B., Pogarell, O., & Gallinat, J. (2014). Predictive value of isolated epileptiform discharges for a favorable therapeutic response to antiepileptic drugs in nonepileptic psychiatric patients. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31(1), 21–30.
Millichap, J. G., Millichap, J. J., & Stack, C. V. (2011). Utility of the electroencephalogram in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 42(3), 180–184.
Swatzyna, R. J., Tarnow, J. D., Proler, M. L., Roark, A. J., MacInerney, E. K., & Kozlowski, G. P. (2017). Retrospective analysis of nonepileptic patients with isolated epileptiform discharges treated with anticonvulsants. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 48(5), 322–326.
Swatzyna, R. J., Tarnow, J. D., Turner, R. P., Roark, A. J., MacInerney, E. K., & Kozlowski, G. P. (2017). Integration of EEG into psychiatric practice: A step toward precision medicine for autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 34(3), 230–235.
---Critical Brain Dynamics: A Novel Framework for Assessing and Regulating Brain Dynamics
Arviv, O., Medvedovsky, M., Sheintuch, L., Goldstein, A., & Shriki, O. (2016). Deviations from critical dynamics in interictal epileptiform activity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(48), 12276–12292.
Fekete, T., Omer, D. B., O’Hashi, K., Grinvald, A., van Leeuwen, C., & Shriki O. (2018). Critical dynamics, anesthesia and information integration: Lessons from multi-scale criticality analysis of voltage imaging data. NeuroImage, 183, 919–933.
Shriki, O., Alstott, J., Carver, F., Holroyd, T., Henson, R. N. A., Smith, M. L., … Plenz D. (2013). Neuronal avalanches in the resting MEG of the human brain, The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(16), 7079–7090.
---Preventing Murder: Treating Violent Behavior with NFB + BFB
Beauregard, M. & Lévesque, J. (2006). Functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the effects of neurofeedback training on the neural bases of selective attention and response inhibition in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 31(1), 3–20.
Ghaziri, J., Tucholka, A., Larue, V., Blanchette-Sylvestre, M., Reyburn, G., Gilbert, G., Lévesque, J. & M. Beauregard. (2013). Neurofeedback training induces changes in white and gray matter. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 44(4), 265–272.
Nelson, R. J. & Trainor, B. C. (2007). Neural mechanisms of aggression. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 8, 536–546.
Oded, Y. (2018). Integrating mindfulness and biofeedback in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Biofeedback, 46(2), 37–47.
Quirk, D. A. (1995). Composite biofeedback donditioning and dangerous offenders: III. Journal of Neurotherapy, 1(2), 44–54.
Repple, J., Pawliczek, C. M., Voss, B., Siegel, S., Schneider, F. Kohn, N., & Habel, U. (2017). From provocation to aggression: The neural network. BMC Neuroscience, 18(1), 73.
Reynolds, R. & Quirk, D. (2018). A simple and effective cure for criminality. Toronto, Canada: Ex Libris.
Sterman, M. B. (2000). Basic concepts and clinical findings in the treatment of seizure disorders with EEG operant conditioning. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 31(1), 45–55.
Takeuchi, H., Taki, Y., Sassa, Y., Hashizume, H., Sekiguchi, A., Fukushima, A., & Kawashima, R. (2013). Brain structures associated with executive functions during everyday events in a non-clinical sample. Brain Structure and Function, 218(4), 1017–1032.
Thompson, M., & Thompson, L. (2015). Functional neuroanatomy: Organized with reference to networks, lobes of the brain, 10-20 sites, and Brodmann areas. Wheat Ridge, CO: Association for Applied Psychophysiology.
---Infraslow Neurofeedback for Military Trauma
Aladjalova, N. A. (1957). Infra-slow rhythmic oscillations of the steady potential of the cerebral cortex. Nature, 179(4567), 957–959.
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Daniels, J. K., Frewen, P., McKinnon, M. C., & Lanius, R. A. (2011). Default mode alterations in posttraumatic stress disorder related to early-life trauma: A developmental perspective. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 36(1), 56–59.
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Lecci, S., Fernandez, L. M. J., Weber, F. D., Cardis, R., Chatton, J.-Y., Born, J., & Lüthi, A. (2017). Coordinated infraslow neural and cardiac oscillations mark fragility and offline periods in mammalian sleep. Science Advances, 3(2), e1602026.
LeDoux, J. E., & Pine, D. S. (2017). Using neuroscience to help understand fear and anxiety: A two-system framework. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(11), 1083–1093.
Palva, J. M., & Palva, S. (2012). Infra-slow fluctuations in electrophysiological recordings, bloodoxygenation-level-dependent signals, and psychophysical time series. NeuroImage, 62(4), 2201–2211.
Sherin, J. E., & Nemeroff, C. B. (2011). Post-traumatic stress disorder: The neurobiological impact of psychological trauma. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 13(3), 263–278.
Sinha, R. (2008). Chronic stress, drug use, and vulnerability to addiction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1141(1), 105¬–130.
Smith, M. L. (2013). Infra-slow fluctuation training; On the down-low in neuromodulation. NeuroConnections, Fall 2013, 38–46.
Smith, M. L., Collura, T. F., Ferrara, J., & de Vries, J. (2014). Infra-slow fluctuation training in clinical practice: A technical history. NeuroRegulation, 1(2), 187–207.
Van der Kolk, B. A. (2006). Clinical implications of neuroscience research in PTSD. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1071(1), 277–293.
Van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the health of trauma. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Vanhatalo, S., Palva, J. M., Holmes, M. D., Miller, J. W., Voipio, J., & Kaila, K. (2004). Infraslow oscillations modulate excitability and interictal epileptic activity in the human cortex during sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(14), 5053–5057.
---Neural Oscillations Induced with Photobiomodulation Could Improve Neurofeedback Outcomes
Hamblin, M. R. (2016). Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders. BBA Clinical, 6, 113–124.
Heinrich, M. D., Sanguinetti, J. L., Hicks, G., Gibsona, B. C., Mullins, T. S., Aragon, D. F., … Clark, V. P. (2019, February). Photobiomodulation for cognitive enhancement in healthy adults. Poster presented at the Brain Stimulation Conference 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lim, L. (2018). The growing evidence for photobiomodulation as a promising treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Biosciences and Medicine, 6(12), 100–110.
Salehpour, F., Mahmoudi, J., Kamari, F., Sadigh-Eteghad, S., Rasta, S. H., & Hamblin, M. R. (2018). Brain photobiomodulation Therapy: A narrative review. Molecular Neurobiology, 55(8), 6601–6636.
Saltmarche, A. E., Naeser, M. A., Ho, K. F., Hamblin, M. R., & Lim, L. (2017). Significant Improvement in Cognition in Mild to Moderately Severe Dementia Cases Treated with Transcranial Plus Intranasal Photobiomodulation: Case Series Report. Photomed Laser Surg. 35(8): 432–441.
Zomorrodi, R., Saltmarche, A. E., Loheswaran, G., Ho, K. F., & Lim, L. (2017, July). Complementary EEG evidence for a significantly improved Alzheimer’s disease case after photobiomodulation treatment. Poster presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017, London, England.
Zomorrodi, R., Loheswaran, G., Pushparaj, A., & Lim L. (2019). Pulsed near infrared transcranial and intranasal photobiomodulation significantly modulates neural oscillations: A pilot exploratory study. Scientific Reports, 9, 6309.
---The Feasibility and Validity of Cerebellar EEG Biofeedback
Cebolla, A. M., Petieau, M., Dan, B., Balazs, L., McIntyre, J., & Cheron, G. (2016). Cerebellar contribution to visuo-attentional alpha rhythm: Insights from weightlessness. Scientific Reports, 6, 37824.
Cebolla, A.-M., Palmero-Soler, E., Leroy, A. & Cheron, G. (2017). EEG spectral generators involved in motor imagery: A swLORETA study. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2133.
Collins, D. L., Neelin, P., Peters, T. M., & Evans, A. C. (1994). Automatic 3D intersubject registration of MR volumetric data in standardized Talairach space. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 18(2), 192–205.
Mazziotta, J. C., Toga, A. W., Evans, A., Fox, P., & Lancaster, J. (1995). A probabilistic atlas of the human brain: Theory and rationale for its development. The International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). NeuroImage, 2(2, Part A), 89–101.
Palmero Soler, E., Dolan, K., Hadamschek, V., & Tass, P.A. (2007). swLORETA: A novel approach to robust source localization and synchronization tomography. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 52(7), 1783–1800.
Schmahmann, J. D., Doyon, J., McDonald, D., Holmes, C., Lavoie, K., Hurwitz, A. S., … Petrides, M. (1999). Three-dimensional MRI atlas of the human cerebellum in proportional stereotaxic space. NeuroImage, 10(3), 233–260.
---Peak Performance in Sports: Factors that Impair Performance and Means of Improving It
Broadhurst, P. L. (1959). The interaction of task difficulty and motivation: The Yerkes-Dodson law revived. Acta Psychologica, 16, 321–338.
Hutchison, M. (1993, July). Mind Over Matter = Muscle. Muscle & Fitness, July, 1–5.
Siever, D., & Collura, T. (2017). Chapter 3 – Audio–visual entrainment: Physiological mechanisms and clinical outcomes. Rhythmic Stimulation Procedures in Neuromodulation, 51–95.
---Optical Model of Transcranial Infrared Light and the Penetration Rate to Prefrontal Lobe
Anders, J. J., Lanzafame, R. J., & Arany, P. R. (2015). Low-level light/laser therapy versus photobiomodulation therapy. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 33(4), 183¬¬–184.
Anders, J. J., Moges, H., Wu, X., Erbele, I. D., Alberico, S. L., Saidu, E. K., … Pryor, B. A. (2014). In vitro and in vivo optimization of infrared laser treatment for injured peripheral nerves. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 46(1), 34–45.
Barrett, D. W., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2013). Transcranial infrared laser stimulation produces beneficial cognitive and emotional effects in humans. Neuroscience, 230, 13–23.
Blanco, N. J., Saucedo, C. L., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2017). Transcranial infrared laser stimulation improves rule-based, but not information-integration, category learning in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 139, 69–75.
Rojas, J. C., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2017). Transcranial low-level laser (light) therapy for neurocognitive enhancement. In M. R. Hamblin, M. V. P. de Sousa, & T. Agrawal (Eds.), Handbook of low-level laser therapy (1st ed., pp. 1057–1076). Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing.
Sung, K.-B., Kao, T.-C., Zhan, C.-S., & Lin, T.-X. (2019, April). Comparison of photon energy distributions in the prefrontal cortex between 810 nm and 1064 nm for optimizing photobiomodulation effects. Paper presented at the Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA, BRAIN, NTM, OMA, OMP), The Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2019), Tucson, AZ.
Tian, F., Hase, S. N., Gonzalez-Lima, F., & Liu, H. (2016). Transcranial laser stimulation improves human cerebral oxygenation. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 48(4), 343–349.
Vargas, E., Barrett, D. W., Saucedo, C. L., Huang, L.-D., Abraham, J. A., Tanaka, H., ... Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2017). Beneficial neurocognitive effects of transcranial laser in older adults. Lasers in Medical Science, 32(5), 1153–1162.
Wang, X., Tian, F., Soni, S. S., Gonzalez-Lima, F., & Liu, H. (2016). Interplay between up-regulation of cytochrome-c-oxidase and hemoglobin oxygenation induced by near-infrared laser. Scientific Reports, 6, 30540.
---All Artifacts
Johnstone, J. (2005, September). QEEG patterns: Subgroups, profiles, phenotypes. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the International Society for Neuronal Regulation (ISNR), Denver, CO.
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Niedermeyer, E., & Lopes da Silva, F. (1993). EEG patterns and genetics. In E. Niedermeyer & F. Lopes da Silva, Electroencephalography: Basic principles, clinical applications and related fields (3rd ed., pp. 192–195). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
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---Correlations Between Quantitative EEG Volumetric Analysis and Computerized Cognitive Testing Shortly After Sport Concussion Injury in High School Athletes
Barr, W. B., Prichep, L. S., Chabot, R., Powell, M. R., & McCrea, M., (2012). Measuring brain electrical activity to track recovery from sport-related concussion. Brain Injury, 26(1), 58–66.
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Cannon, R., Kerson, C., & Hampshire, A. (2011). sLORETA and fMRI detection of medial prefrontal default network anomalies in adult ADHD. Journal of Neurotherapy, 15(4), 358–373,
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Duncan, C. C., Kosmidis, M. H., & Mirsky, A. F. (2003). Event–related potential assessment of information processing after closed head injury. Psychophysiology, 40(1), 45–59.
Duncan, C. C., Kosmidis, M. H., & Mirsky, A. F. (2005). Closed head injury-related information processing deficits: An event-related potential analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 58(2–3), 133–157.
Giza, C. C., & Hovda, D. A. (2014). The new neurometabolic cascade of concussion. Neurosurgery, 75(Suppl. 4), S24–S33.
Gosselin, N., Bottari, C., Chen, J.-K., Huntgeburth, S. C., De Beaumont, L., Petrides, M., ... Ptito, A. (2012). Evaluating the cognitive consequences of mild traumatic brain injury and concussion by using electrophysiology. Neurosurgical Focus, 33(6), E7.
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Hanley, D., Prichep, L. S., Bazarian, J., Huff, J. S., Naunheim, R., Garrett, J., … Hack, D. C. (2017) Emergency department triage of traumatic head injury using a brain electrical activity biomarker: A multisite prospective observational validation trial. Academic Emergency Medicine, 24(5), 617–627.
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---Integration of Neurofeedback in the Drug Court Treatment Model: A Pilot Study
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---Heart Rate Variability: Psychological Factors and a Novel Technique for Dramatically Enhanced Results
Moss, D. (2004). Heart rate variability and biofeedback. Psychophysiology Today: The Magazine for Mind-Body Medicine, 1, 4–11.
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Winkelmann, T., Thayer, J. F., Pohlack, S., Nees, F., Grimm, O., & Flor, H. (2017). Structural brain correlates of heart rate variability in a healthy young adult population. Brain Structure and Function, 222(2), 1061–1068.
---Understanding the Neurophysiology of PTSD, Moral Injury, and Posttraumatic Growth: How It Can Guide Training Protocols
Ames, D., Erickson, Z., Youssef, N. A., Arnold, I., Adamson, C. S., Sones, A. C., … Koenig, H. G. (2019). Moral injury, religiosity, and suicide risk in U.S. veterans and active duty military with PTSD symptoms. Military Medicine, 184(3–4), e271–e278.
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---Emotions: Exposing the Neurological Pathways that Far Too Often Control Our Behaviors
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