Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback in Depression: Three case studies
Neurophysiology, Neurofeedback, Depression, qEEGAbstract
Electroencephalographic (EEG) findings on depressive patients indicate theta and alpha activity higher than in normal controls. Extensive literature reports on the effectiveness of neurofeedback techniques in the treatment of cognitive and behavioral disorders by training the patients to modulate their brain activities, as reflected in their electroencephalogram. Three unmedicated depressed individuals participated in this study of Infra Low Frequency Neurofeedback (ILF NF) training. Along with the pre- and post-treatment Depression Rating Scales assessment, quantitative EEGs (qEEG) were recorded in Eyes open and Eyes closed resting states and during the visual cued GO/NOGO task before and after 20 sessions of training. Along with remission of the clinical symptoms of depression, significant decrease of theta power over frontal and central areas was observed in all three patients under all test conditions. These qEEG dynamics might be a correlate of ILF NF related recovery of the appropriate level of frontal cortical activation.
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