Proceedings of the 2016 ISNR Conference: Poster Presentations
neurofeedback, neuromodulation, EEG, qEEG, neurotherapyAbstract
no abstractReferences
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Effects on Auditory Evoked Potentials and Mismatch Negativity
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Event-Related Potential and Induced Gamma Oscillations During Emotional Facial Expression Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Change of Power Spectral Density and Coherence Following Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Insomnia
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Effects of Prefrontal Neurofeedback on Perceived Emotional State and Cognitive Functioning in Adolescents with Drug Abuse History: A Pilot Study
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EEG Phenotypes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
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Equivalence of a Continuous EEG Discrimination Task to Standard Operant Control Training
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